Power Apps, is the low code tool within the Power Platform to build your Apps for your business.
What can you use Power Apps for?
Within Power Apps there are many applications possible your imagination and needs will probably be the limiting factors. Just by looking at the out of the box Power Apps templates you will get a good feel for the possibilities.

Power Apps is however not limited to these templates. At HybrIT we develop many Power Apps solutions for our clients. Our developers have created many apps, some examples include:
Offline mobile apps to support field engineers
To do lists
Microsoft Planner task aggregation
HR process supporting apps
And many more
Many of the apps developed integrate seamlessly with Dynamics 365, SharePoint, SQL Server or many of the other data sources accessible to Power Apps.
But Power Apps is more, next to the Canvas Apps there is also the Model Driven apps that get their data from the Common Data Services. The Common Data Services is the database used by Microsoft 365 applications as a central location. With its Dynamics CRM background it has a solid framework supporting the Power Platform to build robust applications.
How to get started with Power Apps?
Beginning with the Power Apps can feel like banging your head against a brick wall. If you need any expert help to get your organisation into the world of superpower then please contact HybrIT today!
Have you considered booking a slot for our next App in a Day session?
More Power Platform and HybrIT posts
If you need any expert help to get your organisation into the world of superpower then please contact HybrIT today or register for one of our Power in a Day sessions!

HybrIT deliver a wide range of Power Platform Services through our experts such as Pieter Veenstra, who operates a more comprehensive blog called SharePains.